Product details
- Paperback: 64 pages
- Publisher: Pandora Lobo Estepario Productions (June 12, 2017)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1940856310
- ISBN-13: 978-1940856315
- Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.2 x 8.5 inches
- Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces
Publishers of Art Books
Corazón de hojalata recoge poemas escritos desde la experiencia del fallo cardiaco, la cirugía, la cercanía de la muerte, un transplante de corazón y otras situaciones extremas. Margarita Saona confronta el dolor, la alienación, el amor y la otredad impuestas por el cuerpo enfermo desde un lenguaje en el que la intensidad, las imágenes y el ritmo no toman distancia de la cotidianidad de las palabras Tin Heart brings together a series of poems born out the experience of cardiac failure, surgery, the proximity of death, a heart transplant, and other extreme situations. Margarita Saona confronts the pain, alienation, love, and otherness imposed by an infirm body with a language in which intensity, imagery, and rhythm do not detract from the simplicity of everyday words.
We believe that each book is a work of art.
Literature is happening now. We look at the past and listen to the contemporary voices around us.
In a multilingual society we cannot limit our publications to one language. Some work is translated and some of it is presented in the original.